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Multicultural Outreach Team

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Current Programs

Who We Are

The Student Counseling Services’ Multicultural Outreach Team (MCOT) is a group of staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students dedicated to fostering an equitable, diverse and inclusive university community for our minoritized students.

MCOT recognizes that the mental health of each student is deeply impacted by the cultural climate in which they live. With that in mind, MCOT seeks to take a position of cultural humility and advocate for the voices and perspectives of our minoritized students in an effort to bring equity, justice and inclusion to our campus community.

MCOT seeks to make these changes through advocacy as well as equity work. We offer educational programming, news stories highlighting minoritized students, news stories addressing issues related to systemic oppression, and collaboration with any groups who are working to create a more just campus community.


  • Increase SCS connection with systematically marginalized students
  • Amplify student voices at all levels including within our committee
  • Collaborate with student groups committed to creating an anti-racist campus
  • Promoting campus-wide programming related to multicultural equity

Our Commitment to Students

  • Advocate for systematically marginalized students
  • Value the diverse identities of our students and believe in their right to thrive academically and personally
  • Continue our own equity work in an effort to overcome the white supremacy inherent in our society

Inclusion at ISU

MCOT collaborates with departments and individuals across campus to challenge prejudice and bias, create meaningful experiences for students of diverse backgrounds, as well as enhance support structures for marginalized students.

Campus-Wide Education

MCOT has been active in working to increase the knowledge and awareness of the entire campus as it relates to issues of diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Educational activities include:

  • ISU News articles on mental health needs of diverse students
  • Hosting film and discussion events that address issues such as systemic racism that impact ISU students
  • Serve as invited speakers to events and classes to host discussions about issues related to diversity at ISU

Learn More

Microaggressions Explained

What if Microaggressions Happened to White People