Sexual Assault & Rape
Sexual assault on college and university campuses is a reality. The majority of assaults are what is termed date and acquaintance rapes. These rapes, which are usually perpetrated against women by men, occur at the hands of acquaintances, friends, dating situations, or in established and involved relationships.
Remember, rape is a crime. There is never an excuse for using force, intimidation, or drugs/alcohol to submit someone into performing sexual acts of any kind. If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, help is available.
Campus Resources
Bloomington/Normal Resources
- Normal Police- (309) 452-1121
- Bloomington Police - (309) 434-2700
- PATH 24 Hour Crisis Line - (309) 827-4005
- YWCA - Stepping Stones (309) 556-7000
Links to Other Resources